
Online Talk Series

with Dr. Rob Pennington, Dr. Renea Skelton, Amy P Castro, Jenny Wang, Dr. MyLene Huynh & Cerfitied Meditation Facilitator Audrey Schoomaker
Lyceum > Online Talk Series > Let’s Connect During Social Distancing Online Talk Series

Let’s Connect During Social Distancing Online Talk Series


Zoom - Online

Date & Time

04/28/2020 - 04/28/2020 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

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Let’s Connect During Social Distancing Learning Series – presented by Lyceum – Professional & Personal Development For Success

About this Event

We can all admit that the past month, the world has been turned upside down by COVID-19, causing anxiety, stress and worries for many around the world. As Lyceum’s mission is to create programs focusing on Emotional Resiliency, this is the perfect time for us to step up and help members of our communities like you to strengthen your mindset and equipped with tools you need to become the pillars your family and community can lean on.

We invite you to join our FREE Series of Online Events & Conversations with World Class Speakers/Trainers on various topics from Emotional Resiliency, Parenting, Mindfulness, Maintaining Business-Clients Relationships and much more. So mark you calendar for the following line up:

All events will be held on Zoom for 1pm at 2pm Pacific Time, 4pm Central Time, 5pm Eastern Standard Time. A link will be sent to you upon registering for the event.

Friday April 17, 2020
Speed Through Stress with 5 Steps in 15 Seconds with Dr. Rob Pennington

Life is normally stressful. But these are not normal times. So many changes, so fast, with so many unknowns. Everyone could use some help keeping their balance. This entertaining, insight-filled conversation will be facilitated by Houston psychologist, Dr Rob Pennington, award-winning speaker and author of “Find The Upside Of the Down Times: How to Turn Your Worst Experiences into Your Best Opportunities.” You can count on learning how to recognize your stress quicker and move through it faster.


Sunday April 19, 2020
Calming the Chaos with Dr. Renea Skelton

Is your house filled with chaos and disruption? Would you like to yell less, have fewer power struggles, connect more, and feel more confident in your parenting?

Children have a way of driving us nuts when they whine, complain, talk back or just don’t listen. But have you ever considered what we are doing as parents that brings on that behavior in our kids? You are not alone. This unsettling time is an amazing opportunity to connect with our children through conversations. Even if you have a peaceful home, you can learn tips to effectively communicate to bring harmony. When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it is our job to share our calm and not join their chaos. Join Dr. Skelton in an interactive virtual discussion focused on how we can positively communicate with our children during this chaotic time.


Tuesday April 21, 2020
Maintaining Great Customer Relationships in Difficult Times with Expert Amy P. Castro

This conversation is for those business owners who are facing a tough time and not sure what actions they can take to ensure they keep current customers happy and also extend their customer base for the future. In this program, customer service and expert Amy Castro will share tips, tools, and techniques for keeping in touch with your customers and maintaining customer relationship in this difficult time.


Saturday April 25, 2020
Family Interactive Game Day with Certified Award Winning Online Experience Coach Jenny Wang

This one-hour fun-filled session is an online interactive game that can be played with all members of the family and with other friends. Award winning online experience coach Jenny Wang will facilitate this one hour of fun and interactive learning about facts of Coronavirus and how to act as a Super hero to beat up the Covid-19 enemy.


April 28, 2020
Boost Your Immune System Through Mindfulness with Dr. MyLene Huynh & Cerfitied Meditation Facilitator Audrey Schoomaker

Dr. Mylene Huynh, former US air force colonel, CEO of TruPoint Health, board certified in Family Practice and Preventive Medicine with over 20 years experience in integrative health and medical acupuncture will conduct an one hour session to guide you through the practice of mindfulness to boost up your immune system in this tough time. Guided meditation short sessions will be conducted by certified Meditation Facilitator Audrey Schoomaker.

Please follow this link to register to receive your personal zoom invite: https://lyceumonlineseries.eventbrite.com

Let’s Connect During Social Distancing Learning Series – presented by Lyceum – Professional & Personal Development For Success About this Event We can all admit that the past month, the world has been turned upside down by COVID-19, causing anxiety, stress and worries for many around the world. As Lyceum’s mission is to create programs…