Living in GRACE - Living Your Best Life

Lyceum > News > News > Dr. Anhlan’s New Book: Living in GRACE is an Amazon Bestseller!

Dr. Anhlan’s New Book: Living in GRACE is an Amazon Bestseller!

  • Posted by: Admin

We are so excited to announce that within hours of launching Dr.Anhlan Nguyen’s new book “Living In GRACE – Living Your Best Life Now” on Tuesday October 20, 2020, it became an Amazon #1 International BestSeller.

If you had the chance to download the book and enjoyed the insights & strategies shared by Dr.Anhlan Nguyen and her journey of GRACE, please do leave a review on Amazon.

If you didn’t get the chance to get the book, you can still purchase the book at $2.99 USD or $3.99 CAD in the following links. All proceeds go towards the Charity ICEVN & Lyceum to develop programs and courses to support youths in their leadership & personal development:

USA Link:…/dp/B08KWQC6FD
Canada Link:…/dp/B08KWQC6FD
Australia Link:…/dp/B08KWQC6FD