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5 Mins With Dr. Nguyen – Culture Magazin

  • Posted by: Admin

An excerpt from a brief but inspiring and informative interview on EI with Culture Magazin:

Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to a person’s ability to recognize, understand and know how to manage emotions. Can you share some ways to maintain and develop this?

When talking about emotional intelligence, we need to really understand ourselves and define ourselves properly, and not let others do it for us. Each of us chooses the story for ourselves. It can be the story that inspires others, or a boring story that no one wants to hear. We have to live actively to do what we think is good for our emotions. Do not depend on weather, traffic or other frustrating things. Be aware of yourself and believe in yourself. For example, if you grow up in a negative environment, there are things that make you lose confidence. If you let those things hold you back, you will never get emotional intelligence. Change your story to change your life.

In addition to being fully aware of ourselves, we need to learn how to listen to others. If we observe and understand the verbal and non-verbal signals emitted, we can adapt and react accordingly. A person with high EI knows how to manage one’s emotions to do things in a professional way. All of us have emotions which are usually affected by many external factors. High EI will help us to be smart in using our emotions to serve our best intentions, not become a victim of our own emotions…

Please click the link below for the rest of the interview with Culture Magazin:


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